Should I start my own business?

by Michael J Huntington

So, you are thinking of starting your own business, but you are not sure if it is right for you.
After all, it is a big decision, giving up the security of a regular wage with entitlements, to take on the uncertainty of being a business owner.

People consider going into business for a variety of reasons, including;
“my current job is boring”
“I think I could earn more in business than on a wage’
“I don’t get on with my boss’

These might all be true but they are not enough on their own to cause you to give up the security of employment for the high risk, and sleepless nights of a business owner or entrepreneur.
The only good reason for going into business is because you have identified a gap in the market which coincides with your experience, skills and interests.
You should only go into business if you are going to be rewarded. The rewards should be both personal and financial. Being in business is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week lifestyle choice & if you are going to do it, you need to have a passion for your chosen business and there must be a need for the product or service you are offering.
If you are considering going into business and would like a confidential discussion about whether this is right for you, please contact us at

Michael Huntington

Michael Huntington is an experienced management consultant who helps small and micro business owners make the right decisions to grow a sustainable and profitable business.

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Should I start my own business?

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